

  A drunken call of nature on a generator turns just another night out for Frank into a nightmare.  At hospital he's told that tests show he has a heart condition and may not make it to the weekend.  With these words ringing in his ears, he sets out to drink and drug himself into a stupor, only to be visited by his younger self and challenged to answer the question: "What is the point of Frank Gallagher?"  On one of his regular trips home from university, a little bit of Lip's other life makes an unwelcome appearance in Chatsworth, throwing Mandy into uproar and culminating in a knock-down, drag-out fight in The Jockey with shocking consequences.  Elsewhere on the estate, Lillian proves to be quite the madame when she settles on an unconventional way to turn her spare rooms into a little extra cash.


名山县| 随州市| 东阳市| 东兴市| 大名县| 漾濞| 鄂托克前旗| 招远市| 四子王旗| 林周县| 平乡县| 大丰市| 偃师市| 海宁市| 阿拉尔市| 东港市| 乐安县| 莱芜市| 云霄县| 司法| 定襄县| 荃湾区| 谢通门县| 茶陵县| 精河县| 梁平县| 清水县| 铅山县| 长春市| 卢氏县| 大悟县| 北海市| 西青区| 屏东县| 临城县| 靖边县| 崇州市| 宁陕县| 简阳市| 临武县| 金湖县|